2k16 2016 - New year and new cooperation. I had the pleasure of coming into the group of extremely creative and professional school of make-up Maquillage Art. Our first joint step was the previously published wedding session, which gave birth to a great adventure and friendship. The pictures below show the pure beauty of nature: Photographer: Lina Pasławska https://web.facebook.com/LinaPaslawska/?pnref=lhc Makeup Artist: Gabriella Hałys https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002752011641&fref=nf Hairdresser: Agnieszka Kornecka https://web.facebook.com/agu.czyz Coronet: ANAeme Style-fascynatory, dodatki ślubne i wieczorowe https://web.facebook.com/ANAemeStyle/ Place: Maquillage Art https://web.facebook.com/MakijazArt/ 2016 - Nowy rok i nowe współprace. Miałam przyjemność wejść w grono niezwykle kreatywnej i profesjonalnej szkoły wizażu i makijażu Maquillage Art. Naszym pierwszym wspólnym krokiem była wcześniej opublikowana sesja ślubna, która dała początek wspan...
I'm Malwina, 19yo. Modelling is my passion, my dream life. For the last few years I've taken part in: photo sessions, fashion shows and advertising campaings. On this blog I'd like to share with you my experience and inspire you to fulfill your dreams.